The first Dutch ‘Nationale week zonder vlees’ ( Week without meat) will take place the 5th till 11th March.
See the website:
In today’s world, every ethnic cuisine is in reach to serve you with healthy and tasty food.
And you don’t have to be a real trendy veggie to be aware of the fact that meat does not always have to be a part of your daily diet.
Moving to a more vegetarian diet can be achieved by serving tasty alternatives.
With Aromatip we try to emphasize the possibilities of flavourings for meat free applications like vegetarian snacks, panir and dairy-free alternatives for milk, yoghurt and ice cream. Our application-technologists created tasteful plant-based spreads and veggie pies ready to demonstrate to you.
Curious to taste a veggie treat; let us know!
Key benefits of our flavours:
Tailor made to application
Clean label
No allergens
Suitable for vegetarian and vegan